Could the New Era of Technology Be Harmful to Your Health?
In today’s society we are inundated with information. This new age of technology is very different than just 50 years ago. Our human organism is designed to adapt. As the world around us changes we too must change in the ways we move in the world. I created this video
What is the REAL threat we should be afraid of?
Currently everywhere we look, we are being bombarded with messages that remind us that we are not safe. The horror movie is playing on a constant stream in the background everywhere you go. Are you sick? Stay away from others for your own good. Wear a mask. Numbers are on
You Have All The Stuff.. Now What?
So often people misunderstand my take on money and consumerism. They believe that I reject having “The good Life” Which couldn’t be more false! To simplify my view on money and consumerism I just don’t believe it should never be allowed to drive your choices and decisions. It
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