You need this…

Is there a subtle yearning or desire to grow, see, and experience the world. If you are discontent, dispassionate, alone, misunderstood, invisible and are wanting to break free of the pattern of limitation programmed into your day-to-day life this is your message.

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Hidden in Plain Sight- A Journey to Re”member”ing-Chapter Three

This is quite possibly the most powerful life changing podcast episode that you will ever listen to! Your power to heal, harmonize, balance, regenerate, rejuvenate and create just about anything relies on this divine union of self. To change your circumstances, heal your body or transform your life listen to

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How Can I Get Unstuck…

This episode talks about how to get unstuck if you have fallen into depression, sadness, fear or anxiety

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The Experiment…

You would probably be shocked to really understand the extent this authority has control and influence over people's choices and decisions even when it goes against the most innate, core values that every human being naturally possesses. There is a very revealing and controversial experiment that was done at Yale

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What if there is Another Far more Deadly Disease We should be aware of?

What if there is Another Far more Deadly Disease We should be aware of?

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