You need this…
Is there a subtle yearning or desire to grow, see, and experience the world. If you are discontent, dispassionate, alone, misunderstood, invisible and are wanting to break free of the pattern of limitation programmed into your day-to-day life this is your message.
Allowing the Unexpected
Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel like you are doing everything right, you have read all the self-help books, listened to the podcasts, attended workshops, and seminars, but your dreams are still out of reach? You are setting intentions, staying positive, doing affirmations and nothing is happening. This podcast
How I Won the Lottery
In this episode of Ask the Guru I reveal the seven key steps to manifest ANYTHING in your life! These steps are simple and with mastery can create anything you desire! I give you an example of how I used these steps and made the impossible, possible!
Facing the Fork in the Road
In this episode you will imagine being faced with a fork in the road. To the right there is a path where everything is happening for you. On the left you have no control, and everything is happening to you. Take a moment to imagine how each of these paths
Hidden in Plain Sight- A Journey to Re”member”ing-Chapter Three
This is quite possibly the most powerful life changing podcast episode that you will ever listen to! Your power to heal, harmonize, balance, regenerate, rejuvenate and create just about anything relies on this divine union of self. To change your circumstances, heal your body or transform your life listen to
Can A Mind That Has Been Poisoned Be Healed?
When toxins enter the body, we get physically ill. Often this will stop us in our tracks and cause us to clear or flush out our digestive system. What happens when you get toxins in the mind resulting in sickness of the mind like depression, anxiety, fear, stress and worry?
Meditation to Align With Your Higher Self
This is a meditation to become whole again. Learn the mastery of bringing the mind into the body and accessing the inner wisdom of your higher self in this 15 minute guided meditation
Hidden in Plain Sight- A Journey to Remembering
The mind is the master over all matter including your body. To master life and manifest health, youthful vitality, a good home, and loving relationships, you must first learn to master your mind. The knowledge of the power within your own mind to create the life of your dreams has
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