Debbie Dixon

Realizing Your Dreams

Realizing Your Dreams

We answer the big questions like...

What are you passionate about?

Who are you?

What is your connection to all things?

What do you long for?

What is your dream?

What do you know about love?

Are you living fully?

What is stopping you?

Realizing your dreams is a program designed to remind people that not only do they matter; but, they are special and unique with a unique purpose! We assist the participants in answering all of the questions to the left and more through a series of worksheets, discussions, interactive participation drills where they listen to other people answer those questions and in a group setting they can begin to identify some of the patterns of limiting beliefs in others which helps them to start seeing their own limiting beliefs. Your beliefs create your choices and your choices create your life. We have to start by revealing the beliefs and then seeing if those beliefs are serving them or limiting them and then we teach them how to start telling a different story!

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