Debbie Dixon

7 Steps to Realizing Your Dreams

The key is “Surrender”, know that everything that happens today is happening for your higher good… Find an unbreakable faith that what you want you will have! Allow, receive and try not to fight the unfolding as the universe delivers. There is a knowing greater than you that is governing the law of attraction and unfolding and delivering your dreams to you at the perfect time and in the perfect way!
True gratitude is being grateful for your dreams being answered even before they have been answered. This shows faith ( the ability to believe). Gratitude is a state of being and a way of life. Go to bed grateful and wake up grateful! Find 5 things a day to be grateful for. Play the gratitude game.( find gratitude in those things that seem to be inconveniences. Find gratitude for those things you deem imperfections, learning to love everything.) The more things you find to be grateful for the more things that will be drawn to you to be grateful for. i.e. the rain to wash the air the sun to warm your skin the trees to furnish you with shade or oxygen.
You must understand that nothing can be achieved without others there to assist. Alone we can achieve nothing, but together our minds can fuse into one and create something. Things as simple as the orange in your fridge took an entire community to make it accessible to you. How many people had to come together to get that orange from Florida to that shelf at the store available for you to purchase? Begin feeling connected to every person that crosses your path asking yourself ; “ How can they be of service to me, or can I be of service to them?” To become a powerful manifestor and contribute to this community you must always be of service.
Wants and Wishes... are they ego driven or passion and purpose driven? The test to revealing those ego driven wants is to ask yourself if what you are wanting is to look better or feel better in the eyes of everyone else. A group of 100 people will all possess different ideas of success (None of which will apply to you). So you see how it would be impossible to please them all. Ego driven will suck your energy and you will never feel satisfied always living to impress others. This is setting yourself up for failure, disappointment and an overall feeling of discontentment. When you are PURPOSE DRIVEN you will be full of enthusiasm Indestructible FAITH and HOPE. You will be motivated by LOVE and SERVICE and what you are doing will not feel like work.
Say YES to new experiences, trust that you are always safe and every experience has something to offer you to. Imagine that every invitation is a step that will lead you one step closer to your dreams. How can you think in new ways without doing new things and meeting new people? Pick 5 things to do this week that you have never done before.
It is not up to you to decide how your dreams will arrive or what order things have to happen for your dreams to be realized. You have to leave it up to the universe and believe, trust and have faith that you already have it. Your job now is to create the vision. Find people who are doing or having what you are wanting and look at how they act, what they do, how they talk, how they feel. You have to wear your vision! Feel it and be it before it is. Imagine the book already written.Neville Goddard says it best when he says “the future dream must become a present fact in your mind you must experience in imagination what you would experience in reality in the event you achieved your goal, for the soul imagining itself into a situation, takes on the results of that imaginary act. So the key is to disregard all the evidence of your five senses. What you see, hear, feel, smell and experience in your reality is not your truth. Your truth is what you imagine and dream your life to be. When you can do this. It will be.”
What do you do with your free time? Start to pay attention to those moments when you are talking and you feel that burst of energy and your heart rate starts to rise. This is a signal that you have stumbled onto something that you are passionate about. Start to incorporate your passions into your life even if it is just talking about them or imagining them.

Instead of "starting" it should be FAITH F-Freedom A-and I-Inspiration T-Take H-Hold _____________________________________________ If one advances confidently in the direction of one’s dreams, and endeavors to live the life which one has imagined, one will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” Thoreau The path to your unlimited abundance, wealth and affluence lies waiting for the key of surrender to unlock the door. Now, as you stand in front of the door with the key you have to find the faith in your ability to turn the key and then walk through the door. This is a special kind of faith, the kind that takes you out of the picture. You forget about all your needs, worries and fears, having cut all binds and taking selfless action you will find your wings and fly. Instead of something that you want to do you will have decided this is something you HAVE to do. In the midst of PASSION and PURPOSE, your GIFT and what you are here to OFFER is a power much greater than anything you can muster up. This power will guide you through the steps with inspiration and enthusiasm. You will be unstoppable. You can’t create this feeling , it cannot be manufactured it is a knowing that arrives within you and with it you will feel a sense of freedom and divine inspiration and with a fiery passion you will act on it. “I have this faith,” you say. “I know I can. Why isn’t it happening? Why do I continue to experience struggle and keep hitting these walls?” I would ask you “Do you really think that you deserve this! Are you good enough? Why you and not someone else?” The answer to those questions will arrive from the deepest part of your being. You must travel to the places in you that you have placed a giant, do not enter, sign on and locked up never to revisit. Those places that brought the darkest moments, deepest despair, guilt and anger needed to be placed somewhere safely confined and waiting until you could reach in and pull them out and let them go. They are a source of weakness and a constant reminder that you are not deserving of your highest good. They are lies you are telling yourself and holding yourself back from FAITH and all the good waiting for you on the other side of the door. Can you see all the power, love, compassion and understanding that your suffering has brought to you? Can you see your pain and find forgiveness? Forgiveness is the ticket to your heart and it is in your heart that you will connect with your truth, you will discover who you are and why the world is waiting for you to become YOU. If you are feeling frustrated and feel as though you are on a hamster wheel running in place and exhausted, overworked and are getting nowhere. There may be a weakness in your belief system a wound that hasn’t healed and this weakness has created a fog on your windshield. With a foggy windshield, unable to clearly see the road, you may have taken a wrong turn inadvertently moving farther away from your path. Your heart holds the unlimited creation of all that you desire. It is in recognizing your path as one of a great warrior and spiritual being that has at times stumbled and crawled but always picked himself up and with undying faith moved forward, that you will see you are only limited by your faith in yourself. You must look back at your life and see your triumphs look at all of your accomplishments’ acknowledge your abilities and see that you deserve all the goodness the world has to offer. You are a powerful creator and the world is waiting on you to have faith in yourself. When you find your faith and turn the key the flood gates will open and as Thoreau said “You will meet with a success unexpected in common hours!” Get to work!! THE WORLD IS WAITING FOR WHO YOU ARE BECOMING!!! Ask yourself Do I deserve it? And write down all the reasons that you do and be aware of the reasons that you don’t or the feeling in the body as you write your answers. Is the feeling true confidence or do you feel maybe you aren’t the MOST deserving person. What have I accomplished over the last year or two? And write down all of your accomplishments, Anything that you are proud of. What does the person I imagine is living the life of my dreams look like? How do they look different than I do? Can I find similarities?

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Imagine the path to happiness is adorned with beautiful golden pavers. As you are walking on this path limitless wealth, fame, abundance, prosperity, wisdom and joy are revealed to you as your life. Once on this path your journey becomes effortless. Each step is clearer than the one before it, beauty is everywhere and you will be taught how to speak to nature and soar with the birds. The wind blowing through the trees, the sun warming your skin and the stars in the night sky become an extension of you. On this path you recognize your oneness with everything and you see your life as a piece of art that you are molding and creating. You are probably saying emphatically “Where is this path? I am ready reveal it to me now.” I can assure you it is there waiting for you to see it. There is a key that will unlock your ability to see the path. You have always held the key in your possession. The key to reveal all of life’s wisdom, grace and perfection is in the form of SURRENDER. To surrender is to release all resistance. Surrender is accepting “what is,” without the need to change it or have it different in any way. Now you can see why so few actually use their key. Being free from resistance goes against the very nature of our being. The only thing that gives us a reason to wake up every day is the excitement of the conflict that we have created. We keep the mind occupied running it’s incessant chatter on thoughts of resistance. The mind if left unmonitored will think about all the ways that the world has wronged you or is making life so difficult. You are like a passenger on the minds journey and this is the path to suffering, stagnancy and resistance. You feel trapped like you keep moving in circles. You think to yourself “This tree looks familiar, have I been here before?” The mind runs on automatic resistance and if it is not watched over carefully will begin to think thoughts like… “this would be perfect IF I had more money, a nicer job, a nicer car or a happy relationship. “These thoughts behave like weeds clouding your vision and distorting your perception your path becomes overgrown and difficult to see. When you lose track of your vision it is easy to make a wrong turn and end up right where you started. You must take control of your journey. Surrender is taking a deep breath in and knowing that everything is exactly as it should be and what is happening is for the purpose of delivering to you your highest and best good. This can be difficult when life is testing your ability to surrender. To make sure you are ready to walk your path to joy, life will test you. You make your request to the universe. You say “I’m ready for my good!” So the universe answers “okay, let’s see about that.” It starts easy, you may spill your coffee and not have a change of clothes. You accept it, laughing to yourself, not allowing it spiral you downward ruining the rest of your day, complaining about it. The universe congratulates your victory by making your challenge a little more difficult. Now your car breaks down or you lose your job. This is where you have to stay cool, calm and collected. If you accept it and know nothing leaves your life without something better on it’s way the universe delivers that something better. You will find yourself on to the next challenge. If you recognized your rewards from the last challenge and saw it as a victory and not a loss you have some faith to grasp as the challenges get harder. As you are being tested or better yet trained, you may have to lose all of your material possessions to prove that you truly understand that you don’t really have anything. Possession of things and labeling them ours is an illusion. Stuff is transient and will flow in and out of your life never actually being yours. It is the desire to make things yours that creates resistance and through resistance you will and all of your suffering. The flow of life is meant to be graceful things being energy that flow through your experience freely. You must SURRENDER. Resistance is the only thing that can cause backup or blocks in this flow. If you resist letting go of the old, the new can’t come. Once this lesson is mastered, although you are well on your way, you have not yet mastered surrender. The final test of surrender will happen not to you but to someone or something outside of you. We sometimes have built armor and strength through our challenges, we feel like we can take on the world but as we witness others hurting and in struggle are we able to let them be and see it as a part of their path and their lesson. The final test will ask you to see others hurting and recognize their suffering as a part of their life unfolding perfectly exactly as it should. They are on their journey to the promised land and these are their lessons. The best way to support them is to give them hope to teach them to freely release and surrender. Invite challenge, invite turmoil, invite struggle it only means you are growing and as you grow you are moving closer and closer to the door of unlimited abundance.

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-The Key to Happiness Can be Found in Gratitude~ You must find gratitude that your dreams have been answered even before they have been. Gratitude is a state of being and a way of life. It is easy to be grateful for our loved ones, friends, kids, the warm bed where we rest our heads, and the food that nourishes us every day. Find gratitude for those things that haven’t happened yet or for those transforming situations in our life that brought you to your knees in pain and hurt. Those situations, as painful as they are, have opened your heart, tested your faith, and allowed you to feel in places you may have been numb. Find gratitude for those things that forced you to grow stronger and more determined. It is important to see the things in your life that you don’t like as an opportunity to view the contrast in order to learn more about what it is that you do like. The passing moment is the soil of gratitude. From each moment grows appreciation for what you have right now, before it is gone. Gratitude is one of the greatest healing emotions. It can bring your thoughts and feelings into a beautifully transforming symphony of truth. It can melt the toughest situations or heighten the ordinary moments to profound realization. Gratitude opens the chambers of our hearts, allowing us to really feel while we are alive. Start practicing gratitude. When you find yourself upset by a situation, see if you can find something in that situation to be grateful for. Wake up with gratitude and go to bed with gratitude. I do this every morning and night. Before my eyes open in the morning, I infuse my body with the sensation of gratitude for this day! At night before bed, I reflect on the day and think of all of the things I have to be grateful for on that particular day. Keep a gratitude journal, giving yourself the opportunity to reflect throughout the day or before they go to bed on what you have gratitude for. With practice gratitude becomes easy. When you trip on a crack in the sidewalk, you are grateful for the opportunity to be more present. You may have been unconsciously walking unaware of your surroundings. Instead of being angry when your significant other shows up late for a date, try to be grateful that you have someone with whom you share your life.

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