Debbie Dixon

New Moon Cacao Ceremony w/ Intention Setting and Yoga Nidra

This is a Powerful, unique and deeply rewarding, cacao ceremony-

What Is Cacao Ceremony?

Cacao ceremony has become a centerpiece of our routine ritual for self renewal that keeps us centered, connected to our hearts, and living in a good way. Our process of working with cacao is interwoven with embodiment, creative expression, and many other healing modalities that guide us in navigating our own losses, pain, and suffering. Along the way, we have found healing and connection to ourselves, experienced depth and healing in our blood family, and discovered deeper connection with the elements, land, and ecology that we didn’t experience before. And we believe you can find the same: cacao has the potential to be a guide and gateway to help each one of us embrace the compass and depth of our heart as a starting point for profound healing and remembrance.

Gathering together to drink cacao can create healing, connection and inspiration. Engaging with chocolate as a ritual, rather than consuming it as candy, has direct positive impact on our individual well-being as well as our global ecosystem.

Cacao ceremonies are becoming more popular, because they are spaces for people to connect with each other in new ways, and they are an opportunity to reconnect with ancient parts of ourselves that remember the simple power of gathering together in community.

What Are The Benefits of Cacao Ceremony?

Cacao ceremonies are helpful for getting clarity, setting intentions, and doing healing work & inner-processing. Being in a sacred space helps you get out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights & perspectives. Depending on the intention of the ceremony they can also be wonderful places to connect with people in a safe, open-hearted environment. Sharing cacao brings us into the same energetic frequency. This often results in deeper more intimate connection with ourselves and each other. When multiple people share cacao together, we have a shared experience of mood elevation, increased vitality, enhanced intuition and empathy, and a more open, present heart.

Cacao increases the energetic field of our hearts, and when we join together, the field is amplified and woven together with multiple hearts in the room. We each carry unique medicine and messages for each other, and even if you are in a ceremony with strangers, they may share something about their personal experience that provides more clarity or inspiration for where you are in your life. When a group all drinks cacao together, they are shifting their energy into the same frequency or vibration. This may seem a bit woo woo, yet it’s similar to a group of friends going out for beers – they are all getting into the same journey together by drinking beverages with the same effect on the body. In the case of cacao, it is a medicinal & healing experience for your body, mind, and spirit. 

INTENTION setting, and a POWERFUL GUIDED YOGA NIDRA to seed your intentions deep into the subconscious mind.

 New moons represent the beginning of a cycle. In farming traditions, the farmers and gardeners would plant seeds on the new moon as the moon’s lunar gravity pulls water up to the surface. The new moon is considered a growth phase and is an ideal time to plant seeds in our gardens as well as our hearts for the future. The new moon is an invitation to start fresh, call in intentions, and set the tone for the next cycle.

 Asking the universe for what you want is a very powerful practice. Combine asking for what you want with the clean slate of the new moon and you have a potent recipe for creating the vision you most desire. The new moon offers an energizing and exciting time to recalibrate your energy for the upcoming cycle and bring an upgraded level of consciousness to the dreams you long to make a reality

 Indulge in a gentle, all-levels yoga class, an intention setting ritual that allows you to more clearly align with what you wish to manifest in 2020, and a powerful guided meditation called Yoga Nidra that is performed while lying down.

Please bring a journal, blanket, pen and dress comfortably. 


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