Your Angel Message for Today…

There will be times when the foundation seems to be failing and your whole world is crumbling down around you. Try and remember you have two choices; fall to pieces crying “Why me?” or, remember life is transient, with ebbs and flows and everything can turn around in one second. How you react will decide how quickly the storm will pass and the amount of destruction left behind.

My NEW Book!

What If... The Shapeshifter's Guide to Transformation- Are you desiring... A new understanding of who you are and your unique purpose A Rekindled zest for life A Healing of Past Trauma A Clearing of Limiting Beliefs A Releasing of Burdens/Bondage A Recalibrating to Your Own Inner Guidance A Reconnecting with Your Higher Self

LITT Mission

At LiTT our goal is "To unite the world in LOVE" Check out what we are up to next to see how you can join the movement!


LITT in Action

  • My Epic Odyssey

    They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. I have never found that statement to be truer than now. The sweetest part of my travels

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  • 12 Oct

    You need this…

    Is there a subtle yearning or desire to grow, see, and experience the world. If you are discontent, dispassionate, alone, misunderstood, invisible and are wanting

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  • The Path to Enlightenment Explained

    How the eight limbs of yoga and the Chakras come together and why this is important in learning the tools towards taking charge of manifesting

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