Your Dreams Should Scare You
There is a famous quote from Buddha, “Attachment is the root of all suffering” Our attachments are born from our desires and at the root of almost all desires is freedom. Freedom to do, say, love and feel how we want. Most of us pray for financial freedom in hopes that will open the doorway to our own freedom of expression. The Buddha is implying that liberation is a choice and is found only when we are willing to release all of our attachments.
To really know freedom you must let go and step into the Flow.
To let go of attachments you must first be aware of them. Follow your greatest fears and at the end you will find your attachments.
I just returned from the most incredible retreat to Peru. In preparing for this retreat I had to face many of my attachments. This was a retreat that pushed my comfort boundaries in every way! Moving away from what was comfortable and into new experiences demanded that I cut attachments I previously hadn’t even been aware of. Attachments can be stories, things or people. Wherever you have an attachment you have limited your expansion and growth.
Get in touch with that fearless warrior inside of you that is begging to come out!! Let yourself be bold and courageous and willing to venture into unknown territories to further your mission and your dreams. Don’t worry about what may go wrong…let go of the reins of control and decide that if something goes wrong…then it becomes all the more exciting and thrilling for you.
It is time!
The world is waiting for who you are becoming!
Cut the ties that are holding you back. Be willing to let go of what is no longer serving you “old beliefs. people, jobs.” so that you can be free! Let yourself step towards the adventure of life!! Be a pioneer and take calculated risks to reach new heights.
Debbie Dixon Author
Debbie Dixon Author of “The Path to Freedom Your guide to living the life of your dreams” Is a Life Coach, inspirational speaker and Yoga teacher who stumbled into her first yoga class in 1997 and the spark was almost instantaneous--love at first sight. Having studied and taught yogic philosophy for many years before being formally introduced to the asana, taking her studies to the mat gave her the opportunity to experience with her own body, mind and spirit, the miracles this practice is capable of creating in ones’ life. Her journey into asana began with Ashtanga Yoga and eventually her passion expanded into Hatha, Kundalini and Yin yoga. Nine years ago she taught her first yoga class and shortly after she opened (Seven Hot Yoga) a studio/community she owned and ran for over four years.
She Has been holding “Realizing your Dreams” workshops and seminars for over 12 years now inspiring, motivating people to step outside of their comfort zones and into a life filled with freedom, prosperity, joy, happiness and infinite possibilities. Now she guides people into their own self-discovery everyday as a yoga teacher. She also leads guided meditations and does yoga retreats all over the world. These retreats allow people to use yoga, meditation and her techniques to reconnect with their purpose and deepest desires, the essence of their being, while disconnecting from their everyday routines and finding themselves in a setting of paradise.
Her ultimate goal is to offer a guide out of the mundane cycle of waking up, working, going to bed and into a passion driven, purpose filled life where wishes are granted instantly, prayers are answered and love, light, peace and happiness exist in every breath. She provides an easy to use instruction manual for creating a life where you are no longer an observer of the life of your dreams but, a participant.